Port 81 Helsinki, Finland

Hyvää huomenta! (Good morning!)

It was raining steadily, the temperature only 42 degees F when we arrived in Helsinki on May 27th, 2022. The harbor is tiny, and we pulled in, turned around.

Today Joy was found to be COVID positive. Rats! I’m sure she received it from me.

We backed in to a great seat in front of town, with a private swimming club directly behind us. People were swimming! They like to swim in cold weather here! Brrrrrrr!!!!

Once we have docked, I realize I have a front row seat to the swim club! Although there are plenty of folks who swim today, none of them have what I consider to be beach bodies, if you understand my meaning. Helsinki Cathedral stands proudly on the far right.

Immediately to our port side is the ferris wheel! Here they call it the Skywheel! Uspenski Cathedral is in the distance.

The waterfront looks like everyone built to the max height allowed. It’s rare that hoteliers would voluntarily stop at the same height as the competition.

A little farther left the buildings begin to have a little more character. The long gray building with orange doors is a market. But I haven’t any idea what the slanted bowl object on the right is.

Then the rock and roll cranks up! It’s LOUD! I go outside to enjoy a private concert! They are doing a sound check for some event. Too bad the show only lasted about five minutes.

Along the waterfront I find this obelisk crowned with a double-headed eagle!

Here’s a closeup of the Helsinki Cathedral.  This isn’t as tightly focused as I would like, but it is stunning against the gray clouds!

Here is a closeup of the Uspenski Cathedral. It’s a Russian Orthodox cathedral.

The rain continued on throughout the day, so pulling out was not a disappointment.

All of our key landmarks are visible as we get farther away.

We pull away from the mainland.

Then we finish weaving our way through the tight channel islands!

We say “näkemiin” (goodbye) to Helsinki! Next stop – Mariehamn, Finland

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