Port 62 Toulon, France


The morning was sunny but hazy when we pulled in to Touon harbor on Apr 30th, 2022. Weather looked to be nice with clear skies and a high of 68 degrees!

The harbor is long with multiple bays to the western side!

We finally arrive near the actual city, not a commercial shipping center! Yay! The Pilot and Captain spin the boat around and we back into our slip, there on the right of the photo.

We are located very close to the French Navy yard! Their ships are just around the corner!

We have been here twice before and always had tours to other cities. Today we decided to walk around this town! No tour planned! We head out and are told the market is two blocks from the ship, turn right at the cathedral. Viola! One cathedral, right turn, one market!

The cathedral is actually the Church of St Francis de Paule.

The interior is lovely, with the amazing dark wood pulpit on the left, and the ornate dome rims leading to a blue sky! The hanging banners give it a regal flair, and dress up the very plain columns nicely.

Just in front of the church is a flower market. Joy finds her flowers to add color to our cabin for a few more days!

Through the “sticks” – the sailboat masts – we get our gratuitous Insignia photo today!

Flowers in hand we rush back to the ship to get them in water before we head back out to walk the city!

Flowers are safe! In town we find the statue “The Genesis of Navigation” on the waterfront. He says, “Let’s go thataway!”

Immediately behind “The Genesis of Navigation” is this building with caryatide balcony supports that are amazing! I just realized you can see me and the statue reflected in the glass

The Maritime Defense Zone building almost looks like a museum! But the fence that prohibits entry says otherwise. We are on the edge of a French Naval base!

Toulon built their version of the London “Eye” but this is a teeny one! It is “The Ferris Wheel of Toulon”!  I guess most of the city is built up with only six-story or shorter buildings, so this should be fine for seeing across the rooftops!

Around the corner is the Navy Museum, on the outside of the fence. This beautiful building is circa 17th century

Then inside the fence is this beautiful tower! Pardon the tight cropping – this photo was taken through an open gate, and there was an ugly pole very close. When I attempted to move to another location for a better composition I was stopped by security – no photos allowed! So I’m satisfied with this one that I didn’t take (wink, wink)! Hmmm, maybe I can get a better shot of the tower from the Ferris Wheel?

This is the original maritime hospital, also circa 17th century. Lovely crown carvings!

We reach the Place du Liberte – Liberty Plaza – and find this beautiful statue! It is actually a fountain, but we find so few fountains working anymore!

Winding through town we spotted another set of caryatides holding up the balcony of a building!


This building! Lovely, isn’t it? I assume it’s a hotel or fancy apartments.

This is the Opera of Toulon! A beautiful structure with six amazing ladies gracing the pillars!


Around the corner this congenial gentleman greets us! This is Jules Muraire, known as “Raimu”, a French comedian and an officer of the French Legion.

Across from Monsieur Raimu is the stunning edifice! This is the Tribunal Administration building.

Now we have the Municipal Theater! An amazing building! And I really appreciate the blue and yellow banners showing support for Ukraine!

Back on the ship we get a little show! When we walked back this lot was empty. Now these vehicles are queuing up for the ferry! The queue turns all of the way to the right then doubles back out to the main street! About thirty minutes later the ferry unloaded a steady stream of vehicles, then these started moving. Within twenty minutes the lot was empty again! The ferry pulled out. An impressive operation!

Then fifteen minutes later we pulled out!

We had a great day seeing this sweet little town! Cruising on a ship this size pays big dividends when you get to dock right in front of the town!

For any of you into cruising or thinking about cruising, please consider sailiing on Oceania, and look for their Regatta class of ships! (Regatta, Nautica, Insignia, and Sirena – max 684 passengers) The Riviera, Marina, and Vista are larger (about 1,200 passengers), but are also relatively small compared to other cruise lines (3,000 to 7,000 passengers!). Check Oceania out!

We finally wind our way out of the long harbor!

We bid Toulon a bientot! Next port – Barcelona, Spain!







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