Port 36 Port Antonio, Jamaica

We arrived at Port Antonio just after sunrise on Mar 15th, 2022. The islets and island arms we passed were simply gorgeous!

A cute lighthouse guarded the point, but the sun backlit the view so we see a nice profile against the horizon.

A beautiful rocky shoreline was awash with waves. You can see the severe undercut at the point!

Once in the harbor the water is almost glass. Very serene!

As we’re docking the sun pops over the hill and illuminates this church!

Our dock is simply gorgeous! I need to mention here that this is another port with bubble tour requirements. We did not find any tours that caught our fancy, so we are restricted to the “terminal” area. But what you see below is the terminal area! Cute!

Taking a few minutes to stretch our legs on shore, this is the area to the right of the pier walk. Beautiful!

And this is the area on the left of the pier walk. We have a beach!

We walked past the beach and around the point. I was humored to see this sign. What you can’t see is that behind the fence at the tip of that path on the right, there are people milling around up there! We walked on to the left.

Joy takes in the view of the sea past the point. It was so tranquil and relaxing here! Birds singing, and waves soflty lapping at the shore. No traffic. No motor boats. No jet skis. Ahhhh!

Having had our fill of “Ahhhh” we slowly walk back to the ship. Here is my ship shot for today. Serene, huh?

Before we climbed on board we stopped at the on-shore bar to get some cocount water. A few machete strokes and we had a fresh coconut to drink from. We took it on board to have with lunch! I forgot to take a picture of it – sorry!

Back on board we relaxed until it was time to leave. Our departure was quick and quiet.

The afternoon light finally helped our little lighthouse to show its full glory!

And we bid a quiet “later, mon!” to Jamaica!

Romaine, one of our waiters, is from Port Antonio. He was hoping to get to go home to see family, but with the bubble requirement he couldn’t leave the terminal. But his familiy was allowed to come in and visit! So it wasn’t a total loss. He informed us the bubble was not a COVID restriction here. It was actually a security restriction. There have been way too many attacks and robberies of tourists. So the tourists going ashore had to be in a group with protection. Good to know! And so sad for such a beautiful port! This port wins so far for its beauty!

Next port of call – Roatan! (Eduardo’s, another waiter, home!)










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