Ed’s and Joy’s Adventure Post-Cruise Final Analysis

In this post I want to give you some of our statistics:

We sailed 196 days! Many on the cruise joined us in Los Angeles for the 180 day cruise.

The ship nominally holds 684 passengers. In Miami we boarded with 377 passengers, 404 crew for a passenger to crew ratio of 0.93 – We’ve never been on a cruise with a ration less than 1.1! The lowest was the Athens to Barcelona segment, 253 passengers and 405 crew for a ratio of 0.625! We ended up with a much fuller ship on the last Lisbon to New York leg, 408 passengers and 381 crew for a ratio of 1.07!

We were supposed to have 96 ports of call.

We actually stopped in 103 ports of call!

We were supposed to visit 6 continents, 44 countries, 43 islands, cross the Equator 4 times, cross the International Date Line 1 time.

We actually visited 3 continents, 32 countries, 31 islands, crossed the Equator 2 times, and crossed the International Date Line 2 times!

We had 72 sea days! We actually had more sea days than port days until Mar 21st when we hit parity at Cozumel, Mexico! (51 and 51)

With the 103 ports of call we actually had 134 days in port. Why? We had  21 overnight stays in ports. Those ports were San Diego, San Diego again, Oahu, Papeete (Tahiti, French Polynesia), Bora Bora (French Polynesia), Oranjestad (Aruba), Bridgetown (Barbados), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Haifa (Israel), Istanbul (Turkey), Barcelona (Spain), Seville (Spain), Copenhagen (Denmark), Stockholm (Sweden), Bordeaux (France), London (England), Amsterdam (Netherlands), and finally New York!

We sailed through the Panama Canal twice. We were in Miami and Los Angeles twice, and San Diego three times!

We had 27 tours cancelled without a replacement. Many were due to not enough people booking, some due to operator issues, some due to weather.

We successfully made it Israel, Turkey, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Finland, Norway, and Sweden despite Putin’s attacks on Ukraine and threats against countries asking to join NATO! Only St Petersburg was cancelled for obvious reasons!

We managed to land in several ports on their holidays! Crotone, Italy (Liberation Day), Seville, Spain (Fiesta), Honfleur, France (D-Day), St John’s, Newfoundland (Canada Day), and New York (4th of July) readily come to mind.

As a reminder, here’s what our voyage was supposed to look like!

Here’s what it ended up being. It didn’t meet my retirement trip requirement of circumnavigating the world! But it was still a fabulous trip!

Here is Joy’s certificate of completion!

And here is my certificate! I’m not sure why they put a period in the middle of my last name… (Mary suggested this makes me a doctor!)

Once again, thank you for going on this journey with us! We appreciate your interest, your comments, and your questions!

This closes this Around the World in 180 days (196 for us) blog. Until our next trip, I bid you farewell and safe travels of your own!

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