Port 85 Ronne (Bornholm), Denmark

Hej! Godmorgen! (Hello! Good morning!)

Another gloomy arrival, with more rain in the forecast as we arrive in Ronne on Jun 1st, 2022. We pull through the breakwaters…

…then immediately begin turning around!

It looks like we will get the good view today!

Then the sun came out! I can easily see the lighthouse now that was masked in the gloom of the morning.

And a sign to the side welcomes us and suggests there is a regular shuttle bus to the city center! We have a shuttle bus arranged for us!

I guess that’s a pretty long walk to city center, so a shuttle is preferred. The city laid out before me is unremarkable, but beautilful!

Saint Nikolai’s Church is on the right and the Ronne Rear Lighthouse is on the left.

A fishing boat heads out with a pile of buoys for its trap line or pots.

And another fishing boat comes in, apparently with some fresh catch based on the seagulls’ interest! I just realized he has the same color buoy markers as the other boat (blue and black) – I hope they are working together!

The forecast was all wrong for today! We finally push away from the berth and head out!

The pilot boat sits like it’s waiting to pounce.

I spotted a strange stockpile of tapered tubes! What kind of project is this?

This barge ship appears specially designed to install these in the water. A little searching confirms this is part of a large windmill farm! And guess what? The name of this ship is Orion!  Very cool!

We head out of the breakwater! The pilot boat gives chase.

We bid farvel (farewell) to Ronne! Next stop – Kiel, Germany!

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