Port 02 Cartagena, Colombia

Merry Christmas!

Cartagena greeted us with plenty of sunshine and a promise of a hot day!

We boarded our bus with our tourguide Arturo Anaya for the Highlights of Cartagena tour.  We began with a brief drive through the island of Manga, which is where the shipping ports are located for Colombia, as well as the original old town walled city. Then we headed to the 17th century fortress, San Felipe Castle.

San Felipe Castle was built by African slaves. The church helped bring the Africans into a part of the community and out of slavery.  Today, Africans comprise 40% of Cartagena’s population. From the Castle you can see the Convent on Popa Hill to the east, and the walled city of Old Town Cartagena to the west.

San Felipe Castle

Convent at the top of Popa Hill

Old Town Cartagena’s Walled City – part of Manga Island

There are plenty of vendors plying their trades. We were instructed to simply say, “No, gracias” and walk away if we weren’t interested in their products.

The current Naval Museum was originally the hospital for the Africans, and recently the site used in the movie “The Gemini Man”.  If you have seen the movie then maybe you’ll remember this backdrop!

Naval Museum – former African Hospital

Cartagena had an inquisition period. The Palace of the Inquisition is the place the trials were held, and torture and executions were conducted.  Led by Friar Torquemada over 2,000 people including those in Spain, and over 900 in Cartegana alone, were tortured into confessing to various accusations, and killed by hanging or guillotine, and some by burning for witchcraft. I don’t have any decent pictures to share, but wanted to recognize we did visit this site.

The following are some fun scupltures in the Plaza de San Pedro Claver:

Plaza de San Pedro Claver

A Shoeshiner

Chess Players

Playing Dominos

Carting Goods

A Shaved Ice Vendor

A Seamstress

We make it back to the ship. Lovely bougainvillea bushes line the walk! This is not the last time you will see Insignia!

Insignia in Cartagena, Colombia


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